Digital Content Development for Integrating Cloud Technologies into Formal and Distance Vocational Education

Project Description


In scope of the project the partners will develop educational modules and other platforms for cloud computing to contribute to innovation in vocational education and training and to ensure the development of digital competencies.

The A-CCT project addresses the need to train teachers responsible for training individuals in the field of cloud computing. To this end, we will develop cloud computing modules that incorporate innovative techniques and an assessment platform for more accurate student assessment. The content will be enriched by including cloud computing applications in the developed modules. We will ensure that more teachers and participants in the training will be able to use or attend the training in the form of open online courses. In this way, the project will help train students with the skills that are in demand in the labor market in the field of cloud. Especially after Covid, the increasing digital content and distance education systems reveal the necessary innovation elements for our project. Before developing Teaching Modules in the Cloud Field, literature will be reviewed, current education methodologies will be examined and good practices will be researched.

Project Objectives


The main goal of the A-CCT project is to positively contribute to employment by improving vocational education opportunities and training a skilled workforce.

A-CCT will:

  • Improve the competences of educators and VET students.
  • Deal with barriers linked to education and training systems (Priority of EPLUS).
  • Adapti vocational education and training to labour market needs.
  • Contribute to innovation in vocational education and training.